この作品 Girl X について続報エントリーを書いている。
Girl X blog – part 2
National Theatre of Scotland, January 31, 2011
また、“Girl X”のFacebookのページがこちら ↓
Eleven year old Girl X has severe cerebral palsy and the mental age of a 5-month old infant. Her condition will not, cannot, change or improve.
Her mother believes that, for Girl X, the physical changes that accompany adolescence can only bring distress. So, to spare her the onset of menstruation, Mrs X has requested that surgeons remove her daughter’s womb.
The doctors have accepted the argument that this controversial surgery ...will, ultimately, improve her quality of life and have sought legal approval to carry out the procedure.
In Girl X the case is examined from the point of view of the onlookers, a Greek chorus that asks what could or should happen next? Performer and disabled rights activist Robert Softley challenges this chorus, examining the case and related ethical issues. When do private matters become public concern? Is the majority always right? Do wheelchair users know better? Where will it all end?
Inspired by debates on internet forums, Girl X is a powerful and provocative new fully staged piece of theatre from Pol Heyvaert, the creator of the National Theatre of Scotland’s extraordinary Aalst which was co-produced with Belgian theatre company Victoria. ("Courageous, and achieving the highest standards of performance and production" - Sunday Herald)
Like Aalst, Girl X is certain to elicit strong views and provoke passionate discussion and is recommended for those aged 16+
The show will be fully surtitled.
11歳の重症脳性マヒの少女Girl Xの母親が、
それに俳優であり障害者の権利擁護の活動家 Robert Softleyが挑んでいくという趣向らしい。
Robert Softleyは、
07年のKatie Thorpe事件の際の掲示板のスレッドをリンクしてきた人もいる。